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5 Inspirations for Writing Poetry

5 Inspirations for Writing Poetry

Sometime we are confused in finding inspiration to make poetry. Even though there are so many things around us that can be used as inspirations in writing poetry. Here the author tries to summarize 5 inspirations in making poetry.

1. Our own life stories

Our own life stories can be used as inspiration to making poetry. We can arrange the story with beautiful words that can touch the hearts of readers and listeners and don't forget us as writers, of course.

2. Friend's story

Friend's story or story from people around us can also be used as inspiration in making poetry. We can try to feel what our friends feel and put it in the form of poetry.

3. Nature

We can use nature as inspiration in making poetry. It can be a natural phenomena or our feelings when we see a natural beauty. We can convey these various phenomena and natural beauty in more beautiful words in the form of poetry.

4. Psychological conditions

Psychological conditions are something that is sometimes difficult to tell others. However, sometimes it is possible to tell in written form. This can be used as inspiration in writing poetry because in it there is an honest feeling and feeling in every word.

5. Diligently read poetry

Diligently reading poetry can add insight into our vocabulary. This can be used as inspiration for us in writing poetry by increasing our knowledge with vocabulary.

Those are 5 inspirations in making poetry, hopefully it can help

Suci Nur Intan
Suci Nur Intan Saya menyukai bidang kepenulisan dan gemar membaca buku. Selain itu, saya juga menerima jasa menjadi penulis lepas / content writer untuk blog, website, ataupun situs lainnya.

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