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Insecure: How to overcome it?

Insecure: How to overcome it?

Definition of Insecure

Insecure is a feeling of discomfort with ourself. Insecure people feel themselves lacking and not confident. Feelings of insecurity make a person feel anxious, ashamed, and afraid. Feelings of insecurity can be influenced by factors from within a person or from outside. This condition can be experienced by anyone, from children to adults.

Causes of Insecure

Before knowing how to overcome insecurity, you certainly need to identify the cause. The cause of insecurity can be influenced by many factors.

- Feelings of insecurity can stem from a traumatic, crisis, or loss.

- Insecure can also occur due to a person's environment, due to uncertainty or disturbances in daily life.

- Insecure also tends to appear in adults whose parents pushed them excessively in childhood. For example, insecurity can occur when the parent's desire for the child's success is greater than the child's own desire.

- Attachment, or a child's first love relationship also plays a big role in the development of insecurity. Feelings of insecurity can occur if parents do not respond adequately to the child's needs. Even a baby may develop a sense of insecurity because of abuse, isolation or simple loneliness.

Symptoms of a person facing insecurity

1. Underestimating Yourself

Symptoms of insecurity is underestimating himself and finally looking down on himself. Actually, it can happen because of a bad experience in the past or the environment that is currently being faced.

2. Avoiding Social Interaction

When you are insecure, usually someone will feel more down when they hear other people talk about their achievements. Especially if he doesn't have any achievements.

3. Often Comparing Yourself to Others

Comparing yourself with others may be a boost to be better, but it's different for those who feel insecure. Because, this habit actually has a bad impact and actually lowers his confidence.

4. Want to be recognized by others

It is actually very visible all around you. For example, when someone pays attention to the number of likes of photos uploaded on social media, but almost every minute they check the number of likes on social media. This can be said to be an insecure tendency.

5. Don't Want To Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

This is usually influenced by experiences that have happened in the past, such as being rejected, betrayed or other bad experiences that bring fear to the person.

How to overcome insecurity

How to overcome insecurity can be done by building self-worth. Although not instantaneously, this method can change your feelings and acceptance of yourself. Here's how to overcome insecurity

1.Understand What You Feel

Ask yourself why you feel uncomfortable because insecurity can have many causes. However, no matter what the cause, you can feel better if you know the root of that insecurity.

2.Challenge negative thoughts

It's easy to be hard on yourself after a fall or a mistake. But blaming yourself for failure will only keep you stuck in a negative cycle of shame and self-loathing. Try to practice fighting negative thoughts by forgiving yourself and taking on the experience. Also, try to always think positively, so that you are free from negative feelings, such as worry, guilt, and fear, which can drain your energy.

3. Spend time with people who love you

Surrounding yourself with loving and supportive people can build confidence and make you feel accepted for who you are. Make plans to arrange more gatherings with those closest to you. Avoid people who make you insecure, such as toxic friends or partners who often make negative comments that are not constructive. These people can bring you down.

4. Realize that you are valuable

The way to overcome excessive insecurity can be to try to think about how valuable you are. For example, remember how you helped a friend in times of need, helped your boss during an important meeting, and how loved you were by those around you. This feeling will make you focus on your worth rather than your shortcomings.

5. Don't compare yourself with others

Many people experience insecurity because they compare themselves to others. Especially in today's age of social media, often what you see on social media looks very beautiful. It's hard not to compare it to what we have. Therefore, try to reduce the use of social media so that you don't focus on other people's lives and don't compare yourself. In addition, make it a habit to always be grateful for everything you have so that your behavior and thoughts become more positive. Believe that everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses.

6. Prioritize yourself first

If you always pay attention to the needs of others and forget about your own, you don't respect yourself enough. Prioritizing yourself is not selfish. You need to love yourself first before loving anyone else. Try to take care of yourself, exercise, have me time, and get enough rest.

7.Do things that make you happy

Prioritize spending your free time doing things that bring you joy and happiness. Better yet, consider learning a new skill or taking up a hobby you've always wanted to do. Some activities such as doing facial or body treatments to inhaling aromatherapy steam can make you calmer. You can also do sports that can make you relax, such as yoga. How to overcome this insecurity can also be done by maintaining a healthy body by exercising regularly and eating nutritious foods. These two ways can also improve your mood, and of course make your physical condition and appearance better so that you can be more confident.

Even though it's normal, feeling insecure if left alone can have a negative impact on your social life and mental health. Try to apply how to overcome the insecurity if you experience it. However, if the feeling of insecurity does not go away, you should consult a psychologist to get the right treatment.

Suci Nur Intan
Suci Nur Intan Saya menyukai bidang kepenulisan dan gemar membaca buku. Selain itu, saya juga menerima jasa menjadi penulis lepas / content writer untuk blog, website, ataupun situs lainnya.

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