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My experience to relieve boredom during quarantine

My experience to relieve boredom during quarantine

During the pandemic, all activities become more limited. People are spending more time at home during quarantine. Of course sometimes we feel bored. However, based on my experience, there are several things we can do to relieve boredom during quarantine.

1. Doing exercise

In addition to improving health during a pandemic, exercise can also relieve boredom.

2. Read Books

The most important thing in reading books is to find books in a genre that we like. So that we will not feel bored if we have to read books for a long time.

3. Watching movies

Watching our favorite movie is a lot of fun. With a long film duration, it doesn't feel like the time has passed.

4. Doing our hobby

If previously we rarely did hobbies because we were busy, then during quarantine we can do hobbies to relieve boredom.

5. Listening our favorite song

Listening our favorite songs is an effective way to get rid of boredom, we can even sing along while listening our favorite songs and feel happy.

Those are the things I do to relieve boredom during quarantine, hope it help

Suci Nur Intan
Suci Nur Intan Saya menyukai bidang kepenulisan dan gemar membaca buku. Selain itu, saya juga menerima jasa menjadi penulis lepas / content writer untuk blog, website, ataupun situs lainnya.

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